Microneedling for Acne and Acne Scars

Microneedling is a non-surgical, non-laser procedure that offers a wide range of skin rejuvenation benefits including tightening the skin, reducing pore size, diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, evening out sun spots and discoloration, and improving overall health and texture of the skin. Microneedling is often referred to as Collagen Induction Therapy as one of its main functions is to stimulate the production of new collagen in the skin. Microneedling works by using an oscillating device with 12+ tiny needles used to create tiny perforations in the skin that stimulate the immune system and wound healing mechanisms in the skin. The micro trauma created by the procedure stimulates the release of growth factors in the skin cells, boosting fibroblasts (which increase collagen production) and build new skin tissue.

While microneedling is often sought out to address signs of aging, it is also a highly effective treatment for acne and acne scarring as well. Whether you have decades old scars from moderate or severe teenage acne or more recent scarring from persistent adult acne, microneedling can help to reduce the appearance of these scars and even the discoloration caused by scarring. A recent study published in 2020 showed significant benefit from microneedling in cases of acne vulgaris. Beyond the cosmetic benefits, microneedling offers some specific benefits those suffering from acne or persistent scarring as a result of acne. In cases of acne, microneedling reduces sebum production by helping to regulate overactive sebaceous glands, opens clogged pores and reducing whiteheads and blackheads, increasing absorption of therapeutic topicals and enhancing their effects on the skin, stimulating collagen production to minimize existing scars and improving overall skin texture, and reducing persistent inflammation in the skin.

In my practice I have also found microneedling to be a successful primary treatment for mild to moderate persistent adult acne combined with the appropriate topical applications. Herbal prescriptions are typically the mainstay of my approach to acne treatment at any age, but in some cases internal herbal medicines are not apporpriate for all patients, and microneedling offers an alternative approach to treatment. If you or someone you know if struggling to get their acne under control, reach out to schedule a Free Consultation to find out which our services would most benefit you.


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