Pregnancy and Postpartum Support with Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine has long been used to support birthing people from conception through pregnancy and into the postpartum. Each trimester of pregnancy brings different challenges to the pregnant body, and treatments are tailored to address these changing needs.

In the First Trimester common complaints tend to revolve around the Earth element, the Spleen and Stomach as the body works hard to accommodate growing a new organ! Digestive disruption, nausea, morning (or all day!) sickness, vomiting, changing appetite and food aversions as well as bowel changes and constipation. In cases of previous miscarriage acupuncture is also helpful during this time to help secure the pregnancy and promote healthy fetal development. Other common concerns during this time include headaches, fatigue, and mood changes which can all be supported through gentle acupuncture sessions. During this first trimester acupuncture is recommended once every other week as needed to address symptoms.


During the Second Trimester we see more complaints related to the Fire element, the heart and the emotions. Aches and pain, sleeplessness and insomnia, high blood pressure, swelling or edema, and gestational diabetes can become concerns. Acupuncture is also tremendously helpful during this time to regulate the nervous system, calm stress, and promote emotional balance for the birthing person. During this second trimester acupuncture treatments can be spaced out to every 3-4 weeks as symptoms stabilize.

In the Third Trimester acupuncture can be used to help prepare the body for labor. If the baby is breech or malpositioned, acupuncture and moxa therapy can be used to help promote proper positioning of the baby. This is ideally done between 32-37 weeks. Acupuncture is great to relieve aches and pains during this time as well as helping to keep the mind and spirit calm and centered as labor and delivery approaches. As the due date approaches acupuncture sessions may be scheduled more frequently to promote cervical ripening and labor preparation.

Once the baby has arrived, our work is not done! Traditionally in Chinese medicine the birthing person takes these first 40 days postpartum to heal and nourish themselves and their new baby and they can use all the support they can get! Our culture tends to focus more on the health of the newborn and less on the birthing person in the time after birth, but recovery can take a long time and birthing people can benefit from lots of additional support during this time. Acupuncture is incredibly supportive during the postpartum time to promote healing and recovery of the birthing person, to promote lactation and prevent or treat mastitis, to rebalance the hormones, and provide emotional support for the overwhelm and flood of emotions that come in the postpartum time.

For more information about how Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese medicine can support you through your pregnancy, contact Allison or follow the link to schedule a free consultation today!


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