My Journey with Atopic Eczema
For most of my young adult life I have been itchy, uncontrollably itchy. Around my 21st birthday my very mild eczema blew up into a whole body itchy, red, painful rash that would not go away. I went into periods of remission over the years in between bouts of flares and infections, but nothing really seemed to be able to bring my skin back to health and stability. Just as quickly as a flare would settle down another would arise and wreck havoc on my system again. It got so bad at times I honestly thought I might not survive.
Beyond the physical effects, I felt the painfully isolating effects of eczema in the rest of my life. I stopped leaving my house except to go to and from work, I neglected social engagements for fear that anyone would see what my skin looked like, I drove my partners and myself completely mad with constant itching and scratching all through the night. I would go for months on end without getting an uninterrupted, restful night of sleep. I felt like a complete mess.
Atopic eczema can be intensely itchy, hot, and painful, and often feels so much worse than it looks. Often with atopic eczema people are suffering tremendously from their condition though it may not be obvious to the untrained eye.
In my element, writing and filling formulas for my dermatology patients.
Red, itchy, and inflamed at the height of a bad flare of atopic eczema.
Over the years I spent hundreds and thousands of dollars on different therapies and treatments that had helped others heal from eczema, but nothing ever seemed to work for my skin. It wasn’t until I found TCM that I started to find consistent relief and ultimately healing from my atopic eczema. When I saw the potential for healing that TCM held for dermatology patients I knew I had found my calling. I immediately dove into an in-depth TCM Dermatology training with world renowned TCM Dermatologist, Mazin Al-Khafaji, and began my journey into the specialty of TCM Dermatology. Through my studies and my experience treating patients with chronic skin issues, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of the complex disease process at play in my body and learned how to resolve those dysfunctions with herbal medicine in myself and others. I specialize in treating chronic (and acute) skin disease with Traditional Chinese Medicine to help people with stories like my own. If you or someone you know is suffering from a chronic skin disease and hasn’t found relief, TCM might be the right option for you.
Not sure if you’re ready to commit? Want more information? Contact Allison to schedule a free informational consultation.